San Francisco Family Therapy
San Francisco Therapist

Family Therapy

In family therapy, Patricia includes all or most of the members of a family in the therapy process. Because the family has an influence on every member, it can be helpful to focus on the family as a unit instead of just on one individual. Family therapy and counseling can help families:

  • Work together as a unit to communicate feelings and ideas more effectively
  • Enjoy their time together more-vacations, outings, holidays
  • Develop effective family meetings

Family therapy can help parents:

Family therapy can help children:

  • Communicate more effectively with family members and strengthen social skills
  • Develop assertiveness and deal with stress and teasing at school
  • Manage their time and develop effective strategies to improve school performance

Family therapy

is a special form of psychotherapy that focuses on changes within a family, and recognizes that family relationships have an impact on the feelings, behavior and psychological adjustment of every family member. Instead of meeting with one individual, all or most family members are involved in the therapy process. In blended families, this may include stepparents, step-siblings and half-siblings. When children in blended families have adjustment problems, it may be helpful for all the parents and stepparents to work together in family therapy. But, this depends on the ability of the divorced parents to work together to help their children resolve psychological problems. Many divorced couples are not capable of focusing on their children's adjustment issues, instead they rehash the couple conflicts in family therapy sessions. Such behavior is not productive, and helps determine who will be included in the family therapy process, or how it needs to proceed. Family therapy is most frequently the treatment of choice when children or adolescents are identified as having psychological problems. However, family therapy is sometimes used when an adult family member has significant psychological problems, especially when those problems impact on other family members. For example, a parent with chronic depression or substance abuse problems might benefit from family therapy to address the impact of their problem on family relationships, while also receiving individual psychotherapy to directly address their personal change issues.

Family Therapist

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San Francisco Family Therapy
Effectively Communicating Directions to Children
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San Francisco Family Therapy
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Hecht Family Therapy
Patricia Hecht, MFT
Senior Clinician
San Francisco Office
CALL: (415) 813-0404
2345 California St.
Suite 7
San Francisco, CA

Patricia Hecht, MFT: California Marriage and Family Therapist License Number
San Francisco Marriage and Family Therapist
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